Adherence to Islamic Lifestyle
The Social and Cultural Factors Effective on Commitment to Islamic Lifestyle among the Students in Kashan University [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 257-287]
Representation of religious identity in Iranian animations (Holy Rulers Animation Series) [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 125-145]
Attitude to death
Attitude to Death among Yazd Citizens the Socio-Cultural Factors Affect [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 167-188]
Communication Media Performance
The Social and Cultural Factors Effective on Commitment to Islamic Lifestyle among the Students in Kashan University [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 257-287]
Comparative Studies
The Macro Social Asset in Terms of the Type of Religion in National Surveys of Social Capital [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 169-192]
Corona Disease
The Analysis of the Social Heritage of Covid-19 with a Look at its Jurisprudential-Legal Requirements [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 193-215]
Couples' affection
Explaining the factors of marriage's love with the religious science approach using the techniques of GT. [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 79-99]
Economic Justice
Prioritizing Various Dimensions of the Composite Index of Social Justice for Assessing it in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 113-143]
Educational communications
Media Education ؛ special function of Islamic mass media [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 101-123]
Educational Performance of the Family
The Social and Cultural Factors Effective on Commitment to Islamic Lifestyle among the Students in Kashan University [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 257-287]
Educational Performance of the University
The Social and Cultural Factors Effective on Commitment to Islamic Lifestyle among the Students in Kashan University [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 257-287]
The model and structure of elite in the Holy Quran [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 5-31]
Equality of Opportunities
The importance of the element of Equality of Opportunities in the Progress Model Document [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 189-215]
Ethnic bias
A Social Approach to Self-Harming with Cutlass
(Case Study of Khomeini Shahr City) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 79-112]
Prioritizing Various Dimensions of the Composite Index of Social Justice for Assessing it in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 113-143]
Global propaganda
The requirements of seminaries in the global propaganda of Quranic teachings;From a global invitation to a global movement [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 217-246]
Health Guidelines
The Analysis of the Social Heritage of Covid-19 with a Look at its Jurisprudential-Legal Requirements [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 193-215]
Huntington's theory
Explanatory Study of Huntington’s Revolution Theory in Revolution of Tunisia
(A New Analysis of the Historical Origin of 2011 Evolutions) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 217-242]
Ideal Society
The model and structure of elite in the Holy Quran [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 5-31]
Imam Khomeini
The role of Institutionalization in the leadership style of Imam Khomeini [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 55-77]
Individual and Society
Finding and Ordering to the Process of Peace and Security
in the Attitude of the Supreme Leader of IRI [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 277-301]
The requirements of seminaries in the global propaganda of Quranic teachings;From a global invitation to a global movement [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 217-246]
Meta-analysis of Religious Studies and Political Participation [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Investigation of Social education from the perspective of teachers and the theoretical foundations of fundamental change in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 353-375]
Iranian Islamic Model of Progress
The importance of the element of Equality of Opportunities in the Progress Model Document [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 189-215]
Islamic education
Media Education ؛ special function of Islamic mass media [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 101-123]
Islamic justice
The importance of the element of Equality of Opportunities in the Progress Model Document [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 189-215]
Islamic unity of students
The Relationship between the Components of Spiritual Intelligence and the Students’ Islamic Unity [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 37-54]
Islamic world
Explanatory Study of Huntington’s Revolution Theory in Revolution of Tunisia
(A New Analysis of the Historical Origin of 2011 Evolutions) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 217-242]
Jurisprudential Requirements
The Analysis of the Social Heritage of Covid-19 with a Look at its Jurisprudential-Legal Requirements [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 193-215]
The importance of the element of Equality of Opportunities in the Progress Model Document [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 189-215]
Analysis of the semantic network of justice with emphasis on Michael Walser's complex equality approach [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 147-166]
Legal Requirements
The Analysis of the Social Heritage of Covid-19 with a Look at its Jurisprudential-Legal Requirements [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 193-215]
Level of literacy
A Social Approach to Self-Harming with Cutlass
(Case Study of Khomeini Shahr City) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 79-112]
Marital Intimacy
Explaining the factors of marriage's love with the religious science approach using the techniques of GT. [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 79-99]
Representation of religious identity in Iranian animations (Holy Rulers Animation Series) [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 125-145]
Mediated education
Media Education ؛ special function of Islamic mass media [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 101-123]
Meta-analysis of Religious Studies and Political Participation [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Ontological Individualism
The Comparative Investigation of "Social Constructionism" and "Strong Association Theory": A Comparative Study in the Sphere of Social Ontology [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 145-168]
Pathology of the Administrative System of Cultural Religious Services from the Viewpoint of the Reference Model of Fulfillment Chain [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 5-36]
Payame Noor University
The Relationship between the Components of Spiritual Intelligence and the Students’ Islamic Unity [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 37-54]
Finding and Ordering to the Process of Peace and Security
in the Attitude of the Supreme Leader of IRI [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 277-301]
Peer group
A Social Approach to Self-Harming with Cutlass
(Case Study of Khomeini Shahr City) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 79-112]
Performance of Reference Groups
The Social and Cultural Factors Effective on Commitment to Islamic Lifestyle among the Students in Kashan University [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 257-287]
Political Participation
Meta-analysis of Religious Studies and Political Participation [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 247-274]
Quranic Elite
The model and structure of elite in the Holy Quran [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 5-31]
Quranic teachings
The requirements of seminaries in the global propaganda of Quranic teachings;From a global invitation to a global movement [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 217-246]
Reference group
A Social Approach to Self-Harming with Cutlass
(Case Study of Khomeini Shahr City) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 79-112]
Finding and Ordering to the Process of Peace and Security
in the Attitude of the Supreme Leader of IRI [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 277-301]
Seminary and Non-seminary
The Comparison between the Healthy Marital Relationship in Married Seminary and Non-Seminary Female Students [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 243-255]
Social base
A Social Approach to Self-Harming with Cutlass
(Case Study of Khomeini Shahr City) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 79-112]
Social Factors
Attitude to Death among Yazd Citizens the Socio-Cultural Factors Affect [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 167-188]
Social Justice
Prioritizing Various Dimensions of the Composite Index of Social Justice for Assessing it in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 113-143]
Social Ontology
The Comparative Investigation of "Social Constructionism" and "Strong Association Theory": A Comparative Study in the Sphere of Social Ontology [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 145-168]
Strong Association
The Comparative Investigation of "Social Constructionism" and "Strong Association Theory": A Comparative Study in the Sphere of Social Ontology [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 145-168]
The model and structure of elite in the Holy Quran [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 5-31]
Theoretical Foundations
Investigation of Social education from the perspective of teachers and the theoretical foundations of fundamental change in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 353-375]
Time needs
The role of Institutionalization in the leadership style of Imam Khomeini [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 55-77]
Explanatory Study of Huntington’s Revolution Theory in Revolution of Tunisia
(A New Analysis of the Historical Origin of 2011 Evolutions) [Volume 13, Issue 26, 2021, Pages 217-242]
Yazd city
Attitude to Death among Yazd Citizens the Socio-Cultural Factors Affect [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2021, Pages 167-188]
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