The model and structure of elite in the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Islamic Studies

2 Associate Professor, University of Mazandaran, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences


قرآBased on the rule of universality and comprehensiveness, the Holy Quran, has presented its revelatory teachings in a structured way and based on a regular and scientific model for having the desired effect. Undoubtedly, given the role of elites in leading society and its importance from the perspective of the Holy Quran, such a clear structure and model of the Holy Quran is inevitable. This article uses content analysis method and employs the verses of the Holy Quran to achieve the mentioned structure. After extracting the functional components obtained from coding, a structure and model based on four main pillars of: elite characteristics, reinforcement methods, social function and criteria for introduction and a new definition of elite based on existing characteristics and also based on religious teachings are obtained. Another result of the study was the two-way relationship between the elites and the society, which in case of mutual responsibility, the groundwork will be laid for the creation of a desirable and ideal society in its civilized dimensions.


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