The importance of the element of Equality of Opportunities in the Progress Model Document

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of political Science of shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Ahvaz,.Iran

2 Khuzestan University of Science Sciences


The Progressive Documentation, as directed by the supreme leader, is designed in accordance with the broader Iranian thinkers and scholars, based on Islamic worldviews and futures studies, which comprises five sections. This document contains strategic indicators for the advancement of Islamic society. Iranian and all Islamic societies. Considering how justice is sought in Iranian Islamic society, the study seeks to state that the "Equality of Opportunities" component can be considered as one of the most relevant indicators of Islamic justice practice. The purpose of this article is to explain this issue What is the relationship between equality of opportunity and justice component of the document is Tvandvjvd Islamic-Iranian model of progress?
This paper seeks to explain the hypothesis that the document cited indicates that there is a direct relationship between equality of opportunity and Islamic justice, and that the development of Islamic justice and then the development and development of Islamic justice can be pursued through equality of opportunity across all political, cultural, social and economic spheres. In fact, it can be said that if equality of opportunity is implemented as an independent variable, the implementation of the Islamic justice desired by the paradigm of progress will be achieved. Accordingly, this paper uses a library-descriptive and narrative approach.


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