Explaining the factors of marriage's love with the religious science approach using the techniques of GT.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in theoretical studies of gender. Qom University of Religions and Religions is the responsible author

2 Associate Professor of Sociology at the Research Center and University

3 Associate Professor of Psychology, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute (RA)

4 Assistant Professor of Sociology at Al-Zahra University


This research attempts to indicate an explanatory theory effective factors of spouses’ intimacy based on religious teachings. By content analysis method and utilizing ground-based techniques a five-step process has been considered in the research. A conceptual framework for classifying propositions and open encoding of them in two groups, direct and indirect, has been done. Along with encoding indirect propositions, a brief explanation of the factors has presented. By referring to the literature, the main axis of design classification and axial coding were implemented. Psychological, physical, social, environmental and spiritual factors are the main axis of categorizing codes. By reflecting on the logical and real relationships between these propositions and analyzing their impact influence on the dependent variable, the dominant and fundamental factors for choosing the different axes of choice are drawn in the form of a conceptual model. Research findings reflect that "need" as a dominant factor can be considered in all aspects. The dominant factor consists of three types of natural, social and transcendental needs, with the origin of nature, community and school. The fundamental factors selected in the axis of the physical and environmental factors as the basics and the spiritual factor as an interventional factor in all aspects were selected and explained. Psychological and social factors are the most effective on the spouse's intimacy.


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