Pathology of the Administrative System of Cultural Religious Services from the Viewpoint of the Reference Model of Fulfillment Chain

Document Type : Research Paper


1 tehran uni

2 t

3 Faculty Member, Associate Professor, Management Department, Al-Mustafa International University


This view can be used as a strategic competitive advantage in order to improve the service mechanism both at the level of governance and at the level of public and private organizations.
One of the most important types of services is "cultural services", in which the multiplicity of actors in the field of system, administration, services, culture, and their lack of proper organization, have led to parallelism and reduced productivity.
Despite the great importance of cultural services, there is no appropriate and scientific structure and framework for organizing actors in this field.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the structure and knowledge of the existing framework of the system of administrating cultural services and design an improved model of management of cultural services.
The data collection method in this study is survey and interview tools. The method of data analysis is theme analysis, which was used to identify 13 main problems of the cultural services management system in the current situation.
Another method used to analyze the data due to the dynamic complexity of the problem and its behavioral complexity is the soft systems methodology and fuzzy mapping, which were used to establish relationships between solutions and the final model of the administrative system of services and culture in the service chain management system.


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