The Comparative Investigation of "Social Constructionism" and "Strong Association Theory": A Comparative Study in the Sphere of Social Ontology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Kharazmi University, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Department of Sociology, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Sociology, Kharazmi University, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Tehran, Iran


This paper aims at introducing and comparing two ontologically individualist theories, namely the “social constructionism” and the theory of “strong association”. At the first section of the paper, it is emphasized that though both theories are committed to ontological individualism (as opposed to ontological holism), one of them traces its roots back to the phenomenological tradition (as developed by Edmond Husserl and his indirect pupil, Alfred Schutz). The other draws heavily on a number of theses in the philosophy of language as developed in the Islamic intellectual tradition. In this theory, the points of focus have been Mirza Na’ini and Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr. Taking benefit of a comparative-analytic method, we have shown that while there is a common ground (ontological individualism) on which both theories have stood, their methodological consequences are different. At last, it is suggested that the different philosophical foundations of these two theories might account well for their divergent methodological implications.


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