Analysis of the semantic network of justice with emphasis on Michael Walser's complex equality approach

Document Type : Research Paper


Baqir al-Olum University


The semantic network of justice has complex layers of meaning that the combination of these meanings and the relationship between them creates the concept of justice. In this research, we have tried to look at the concept of justice as a semantic network, using the view of the Izutsu semantic network. According to the semantic network theory, justice is not a one-dimensional concept but a complex concept that is understood in a comprehensive structure of meanings. The various ideas of justice, with an emphasis on a particular type of meaning of justice, have taken a one-dimensional view of justice and the result has been a one-dimensional view of the theory of justice. In this research, we try to propose a network analysis for the concept of justice according to the Izutsu semantic network. Accordingly, justice is not a one-dimensional concept but an interconnected set of meanings that realize the idea of justice in a coherent structure. Among contemporary theories of justice, the theory of complex equality offers a view based on the network of meanings of justice. In the structure of complex equality, in addition to the originality of equality, other legal and moral teachings of justice are also considered. The result is that according to the semantic network of justice conceptually and according to the view of complex equality from a theoretical point of view, a comprehensive theory of justice is provided And eventually, the conflict between the Criterions of justice is resolved.


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