نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
دانشیار گروه جامعه شناسی دانشگاه کاشان
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسنده [English]
Today, we are witnessing some fundamental paradoxes and challenges in regard with adhering to the Islamic Lifestyle in its true sense. To answer the question on the reason for such paradoxes and challenges, we need extensive theoretical and empirical studies. The method of research in this study was survey method. The sample population was composed of 329 subjects. The relationship between adherence to Islamic Lifestyle and general characteristics of respondents showed that The Place of Birth, Marital Status, Employment Status, Field of Study, Educational Level, Ethnicity and Religion did not affect the level of adherence to Islamic lifestyle. In the test of research hypotheses, the following results were obtained: 1. There is no meaningful relationship between variables of Socio-Economic Status, Age, Educational Status and Household Population of the respondents, and the level of Adherence to the Islamic Lifestyle. 2. The variables of Cultural Facilities, the Performance of the Global Reference Group and the Leisure Time do not have a significant effect on the Adherence of Students to the Islamic Lifestyle; 3. There was a significant relationship between the variables of Educational and Cultural Performance of the Family, Cultural Capital, Educational and Cultural Performance of the University, Social Capital, the Performance of the Friend Group in the Educational and Cultural field, the Performance of Iranian Reference Group and the Iranian Mass Media Performance with the variable of Adherence to the Islamic Lifestyle. 4. The variable of Global Mass Media Performance has a significant and reverse effect on Adherence to the Islamic Lifestyle.
کلیدواژهها [English]
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