The Social Relativity of “Right - Duty" as Viewed in Religious Discourse

Document Type : Research Paper


Head of "Sociology of Religion and Islam" Department, Institute of Social Studies and Research, Tehran University


The concept of right-duty is originally a concept of Western philosophy (sociopolitical philosophy, moral - legal philosophy) and modern social sciences (theory of citizenship). This complex concept, as some kind of social balance equation in social interaction of self-other, has honestly excelled from this point of view and especially from that of the theoretical one and practically has led to the development of modern man and his civic status and consequently transformed subject into citizen. Since the literature of Islamic jurisprudence is a non-discourse one, there is no trace of this concept in it (both Shi`a and Sunni). But it can be found between the lines of Islamic teachings and texts. It can also be inferred from intellectual and ideological foundations of this social equation among Muslims, which refers to duty in one hand and right as a matter of an ideological issue, based on legitimacy of abiding by Islamic religious teachings in one’s life. Due to this, in this paper, using the technique of content analysis, the authors attempt to analyze intellectual and ideological foundations of right-duty social equation from the religious perspective. To this end - and not to make a comparison - we deemed it necessary to make a brief review of some theoretical and epistemological considerations of the equation, which is embodied in Western philosophy and modern social sciences and usually arranged in the context of citizenship theory. Likewise, it was also necessary to deal with intellectual and ideological foundations of right-duty social equation in religious discourse following the first part of this paper. Finally, it was necessary to present some documentations of conventional religious discourse in the Islamic world. Therefore, the author of the present paper analyzes two precious books: Nahj al-Fasahah (sayings attributed to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him) and Nahj al-Balagha (belonging to Imam Ali, peace be upon him). One can find the origin of religious citizenship (which is a strange phenomenon in the contemporary Muslim) from the inferred findings of these two important and reliable books just as Western scholars have elicited the phenomenon of secular citizenship from political, social, and ethical philosophy.


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