Decision-Making Models and the Role of Ethics in the Field of Foreign Policy

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Allama Tabatabyee University


Influencing factors in the formation of goals in the field of international relations are of great diversity. What is important is that which one of the elements should have priority in the decision-making process? Those who believe in giving priority to moral values in international politics have shifted attention to the non-compensatory model. In the context of this model a standard component should be established as a foundation for all policies and life for all purposes. According to this model regardless of all the variables giving priority to a particular criterion is of normative validity and importance. Although there are many who give priority to shaping policies in respect to values and beliefs of decision makers, but they believe that the terms of issue, the patterns of distribution of power in the international arena, and abilities and possibilities will eventually shape the policies. If necessary, he should give priority to issues of moral values and if it is obligatory, priority will also be given to the issue of moral values. It should be noted that the approach is subject to moral values or complete comprehension of them. Necessity to achieve goals as a vital condition of success will always require an ethical justification in relation to the objectives.


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