Religion and Religiosity in Motahari's Thought


Faculty Member of the Social Sciences Department , Research Institute of Hawzah and University / PhD student in Sociology


Religion and its origins have long been considered by various schools of thought. Each school has viewed it in a way and some times challenged it. In spite of all these encounters with the religion and its manifestations, it has survived in all types of societies, from elementary to advanced one. There has been no possibility to remove it from the human social life. As a matter of fact, the up and down of religion indicate that human need for religion is a genuine one and far from social contracts and fictions, so that one can not find a substitute for it. Mentioning the claims of some modern scholars about the origin of religion along with the responses, Motahari formulates his theory on religion as theory of fitrat. Therefore, people or some of the communities' turning away from religion is in harmony with the voice of fitrat. Throughout history, some have in the name of religion treated people contrary to human nature caused them to turn away from this type of treatment, not the religion. While studying his works, one can extract some criteria for the perfection of individuals' religiosity in society. They are as follows:
1. holding that there is no incompatibility between the world and the hereafter;
2. believing that science and religion are in harmony with each other;
3. impossibility of separation between religion and social responsibility;
4. caring about people through obedience to Allah.


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