Method of Social Understanding in Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


MA in Sociology


Social understanding and social understanding method are among basic subjects of social sciences. One of the main categorization of methodology divides methodology into fundamental methodology and functional methodology.  The fundamental methodology is the subject of this study.
In social science, there are three basic methods: positivism, conceptualism, and critical realism. These methods contrast one another because of different ontological, anthropological, and epistemological grounds. Since Quran obtains its particular ontological, anthropological, and epistemological view, it enjoys a basic method of monotheist realism. The special attributes of Quran distinguish its methodology from that of modern methodology.  Quran views the universe as having a physical and a spiritual dimension. Additionally, the ultimate success of human being is in obeying and getting close to God.
In the view of Quran, everything is related to God. Quran enjoys all explanatory, descriptive and experimental approaches but redefines them in the monotheist framework. This is the specific attribute of Quran’s methodology that secular methods lack. Because of lack of such epistemology, secular methodology employs certain means and rejects all other means.


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