Evaluation of the Impact of Pluralism on Secularization of People of Higher Education

Document Type : Research Paper


Graduated from Seminary l PhD Student in Sociology


Various reasons have been proposed for the secularization of people of higher education. The research studies whether pluralism can explain these people’s secularization, in a constructionalism theoretical framework. In this way, first the concepts of pluralism and secularization are defined. The issue is being explained by developing an analysis model, which points to the causes of pluralism and indicators of becoming secular. Finally, two conclusions are drawn: First, epistemological pluralism causes secularization of people of higher education. Second, because of people’s uniform belief in one religion and the dominance of religious government in Iran, social pluralism does not apply. Therefore, secularization of people in this way is not likely. However, epistemological pluralism, however far from secularism, influences the youth and people of higher education. These people are likely to be impacted by western thought wish can lead to Iran’s secularization in the near future.


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