A Conceptual Framework for Religiousity Survey in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty Member of Sociology Department, Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution Research Institute


In analyzing the complex issue of religion, social science researchers require an operational definition aside from the logical and conceptual definitions of religion and religiousity. The operational definition is used for explanatory analysis and evaluation of religiousity by social surveys. Operational definition divides the general concepts of religion and religiousity into their parts (dimensions, factors, indicators) for experimental research and analysis purposes.
In this work, the theoretical and experimental conceptions of religion and religiousity in Islam and social sciences are studied. The terms religion and religiousity were first conceptually defined based on the three dimensions of beliefs, emotions, and actions. Then, the factors of each dimension of religiousity were determined. Finally, in order to construct an indicator of religiousity, certain criteria have been presented for each of the factors based on Islamic teachings.



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