The Comparative Study of Iran-Turkey Public Diplomacy in Iraq and Syria

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Takestan Branch, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

2 Ph.D. Student of Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Department of Political Sciences, and Researcher of Research Center of IRIB

3 Master Student of Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Ashtian Branch


The paper attempts to investigate the Iran-Turkey public diplomacy in Iraq and Syria after changes in these countries. Iran and Turkey as two effective powers on the Middle East changes try to enforce their goals and policies of public diplomacy in Iraq and Syria based on the nature of states. The main questions are: how is the Iran-Turkey public diplomacy in Iraq and Syria? What are the effects of new changes in these countries on the Iran-Turkey public diplomacy? To respond those questions, the hypothesis of paper is that Iran and Turkey use both their public diplomacy (soft power) and hard power, in their regional competition, in order to stabilize and enhance their regional hegemony. Both countries have some different facilities and opportunities to take advantage of the public diplomacy in Iraq and Syria, but their relative success depends on their strategies and such successes and failures are not perpetual and in all situations. This paper applied the descriptive-analytical methodology and collected the data by the documentary-library instrument.


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