A Framework for the Sociological Analysis of Justice

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. (Faculty Member of Research Institute of Hawzah & University)

2 Faculty Member of Al-Mustafa University


The present article aims to provide a sociological framework for analyzing social justice. Studying the justice as an individual and social virtue has been a subject of study, more than other subjects, among ethics and policy philosophers. They believe that the justice is a subject in the field of practical reason and mention that the beauty and totality of reason is rational. In this meaning, the justice is not a subject that can convey the trueness and falseness, because it is a kind of prescription that addresses either all people or some specific people. If we believe that sociology is a science of beings, not dos, what does the scientific study of a prescription mean? The answer is that if a prescription becomes intersubjective, regardless its root, and becomes a part of a culture or subculture, it will be a social being that like other real things can affect other things and will be studied. In that condition, it will be possible to provide a framework for a scientific and experimental study on the social justice. If we consider the social justice as justly distributing goods and services, which are attractive due to their rareness, logically the sociological analysis of social justice will include two stages: 1. studying what should be justly distributed; 2. discovering the meaning and intersubjective content of justice. To answer the first question, we achieve a list of things and then the second question will arise in accordance with distributed things. Answering those questions provides a framework by which it can be possible to organize the ideas of philosophers and social scientists lived in different eras. Therefore, we will be able to identify the view of every expert in connection with both the issues of distribution and how to distribute.


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