From Common Social Ethics to Divine Social Ethics Comparison of Durkheim's Moral Theory with the Moral System in Surah Nisa

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's degree, Qur'an interpretation, University of the Holy Qur'an Sciences and Education, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, University of the Holy Quran, Faculty of Quranic Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Order in society depends on the existence of rules and norms, and training people to adhere to those rules. In Islam, such rules and education have been compiled by the religion and presented to the human society. Considering society's need for moral man, in the absence of a single and coherent narrative of religion in modern society, thinkers such as Durkheim have tried to provide a framework for moral construction and socialization of people minus religion. According to a kind of identity of society and God in Durkheim's view, on the one hand, society has the power and validity of legislating rules and norms, and on the other hand, emphasizing its sanctity is the basis of moral education of people. In contrast and based on the Holy Qur'an, man cannot build a moral society without divine law and without a messenger on whom the explanation of law and justice depends. In this article, using the documentary method and the approach of Surah deliberation, an excerpt from the semantic and communicative structure of Surah Nisa, the Qur'an's view on how to implement the law in a faith society and human commitment to social rights have been examined and compared with Durkheim's educational approach. In Durkheim's view, society replaces God, trade unions replace God's messenger, and the order of customary and civil rights replaces the divine order.


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