How to Link Revealed, Rational and Experimental Knowledge in Theorizing Based on the Evolutionary Research

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, National Defense University and Higher Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD, assistant professor, faculty member of Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Isfahan Art University, Isfahan, Iran

3 Faculty Member, Islamic Siences Academy of Qom


Qom Academy of Islamic Sciences seeks to provide a model for religious science that uses all three epistemic sources of revelation (quotation), reason and experience centered on revelation. According to this view, every scientific theory is a simplified model of a complex reality and has three levels of development, macro and micro.
The "level of development" of the scientific theory expresses the desired and ideal state of the phenomenon. In the theory of religious science, this desirable situation is obtained from the teachings of Islam as a whole - not from individual revelations. The "macro level" of scientific theory begins with the generation of an evolutionary description. In order to obtain evolutionary attributes, we need information on the level of development (as religious concepts governing the research) and experimental information (based on library and historical studies), because it provides the basis for the researcher's speculation to produce attributes. With experimental, religious and theoretical validation of hypotheses (and their confirmation or modification), the descriptive model of the phenomenon is obtained. These systematic attributes are responsible for describing the phenomenon as a variable whole.


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