A comparative-critical study of the foundations of Islamic economic ethics from the point of view of Max Weber and Shahid Motah'hari

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Bagheral Uloom University, Qom, Iran

2 PhD student, Department of Cultural Communication, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Bagheral Uloom University, Qom, Iran


The purpose of this article was a comparative and critical analysis of Max Weber's view regarding the factors of the emergence and non-emergence of capitalism in the comparison between Christianity and Islam from the perspective of Shahid Motah'hari. The basis of the criticisms of this article is the acceptance of the revealed truth of religion, which separates the levels of religious research in the field of theorizing religious studies. Weber's sociological view and objectification and functionalist view of it have made him unable to understand the philosophies and inner truths of Islam, like other Western scholars, to be caught in the trap of intellectual confusion, and in the position of religious investigation, regardless of the facts and capacities religious teachings should evaluate the economic capacities of Islam only by looking at the historical reality.
In this article, by referring to the works of Shahid Motah'hari, grounds for a critical look at Weber's theory about the causes of the non-emergence of capitalism in Islam have been extracted. These criticisms have been raised in the two main fields of theology and psychological and behavioral tendencies, and their emphasis on the theory of separation of levels of religious studies has been clarified.


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