Scientific Culture in the Thought of Ibn Jama'ah Based On the Book of Tazkira Al−Sami and Al−Mutaklam

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Doctoral student of cultural strategic management, National Defense and Strategic Research University and Research Institute, Tehran, Iran,

2 PhD in Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Faculty of Humanities, Yadgar Imam Khomeini Unit, Shahrari, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


"Islamic tradition" in the field of science is a valuable heritage of revelations, along with the achievements of Muslim thinkers, which are available to us today and have been given more attention and tools of analysis and analysis than in the past with the cultural approaches that require ecological perspective. This tradition is full of propositions and treasures that formed the "scientific culture" and can be revived and serve the movement of Islamic natural, social and human sciences. In order to identify and illustrate one of the fields of scientific design and bioculture, the present article analyzed the book of Tazkira al−Sami and al−Mutaklam Ibn Jama'ah, using the method of theme analysis, with 317 codes, 36 organizing themes (themes obtained by combining and summarizing the basic themes) and 4 themes. He has extracted the comprehensive (higher topics including the principles governing the text as a whole) and drawn the network of topics. The findings show that "value−oriented scientific culture" is the ruler and environment in the field of science and education in the Islamic approach, and with its establishment, there is a possibility and probability of producing natural sciences based on Islamic and Quranic teachings.


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