The illuminating position of meaning in the formulation of the third generation of communication schools

Document Type : Research Paper


1 * Ph.D., Culture and Communication, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Culture and Communication, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D.-Professor, Culture and Communication, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Culture and Communication, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran

3 Master's degree, Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The life of human society is formed from an interwoven relationship of social interactions of human societies. The center of these exchanges is the human soul and his body and the productive meaning of man. The importance of this article is that the meaning, which has a metaphysical nature, must be created by a metaphysician, the supernatural world and how it relates to the world. The present article, which has collected its data based on library analysis and analyzed human beings within the framework of Islamic anthropology, has dealt with the relationship between the supernatural world and the meaning and manner of their presence in the world. The relationship of meaning, which is the central signifier of the connection between the abstract world and the world, has been explained with other concepts such as example, concept, and reality. Therefore, the meaning is created by the human soul in the supernatural world, and through his body, it descends from the supernatural world to the world of matter and is produced. What communication thinkers have discussed so far in the field of theories of meaning and its place is the exploration of meaning in two areas: one is the place of meaning in the message, and the other is the place of meaning in the mind. However, based on Islamic anthropology, it is possible to go a step further and considers a place for meaning, that main place of meaning is the supernatural world.


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