The evolution of the meaning of science from savior to the dominant and the formation of a new public education system

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural and Communication Studies, Bagheral Uloom University

2 Ph.D. student, Sayer, Department of Culture and Communication, Bagheral Uloom University, Qom, Iran


Our main claim is that in the contemporary period of Iran, the meaning of science, which has always been "superior science" in the historical experience of Muslims, has changed to "dominant science". The concept of "science" is one of the fundamental concepts of Islamic culture and the change in its meaning in the contemporary period of Iran, has led to great cultural changes and has led to new structures. The country's public education system is one of these emerging structures. The public education system from the beginning of its formation until now has always been influenced by the new meaning of science and therefore, as the largest and main source of production of the meaning of "dominant science" is propagating and promoting this meaning of science in the country. Is. Students are introduced to the meaning of "dominant science" at the beginning of entering the country's public education system, and acquiring this knowledge becomes one of their main priorities. By preferring the natural and experimental sciences, which are more closely related to the meaning of dominant science, the public education system of the country takes other religious sciences out of the orbit of science and promotes communication by promoting the meaning of dominant science as a strong barrier. Students have benefited from the historical meaning of science or science.


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