The Study of the Impact of Religiosity on Neighborly Relations (A Case Study of Babol, Mazandaran, Iran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran

3 MA in Sociology from the University of Mazandaran


The development of urbanization and its multiple requirements have affected neighborhood relations in its traditional sense. In cities, heterogeneous groups and individuals who are culturally different and socially distant from each other live together. This heterogeneity weakens or destroys altogether the suitable ground for the development of face to face and neighborhood relations. Nevertheless, religiosity can be an important variable in empowering the neighborhood relations. So, this research analyzes the influence of religiosity on neighborhood relations among the people living in Babol, Mazandaran, Iran. The study was based on the survey method and the data were collected through questionnaires. The statistical population of this study consisted of all citizens over 25 years old living in Babol. The sample size consisted of 384 participants chosen through cluster sampling. The results showed that the rate of neighborhood relations in this city is slightly less than the average. The findings also showed that religiosity and its dimensions (ritual, doctrinal, consequential, empirical) explained 20% of the variance in neighborhood relations. The influence of religion on neighborhood relations was positive (β= 0.40). Based on the results of this study, it can be stated that religious and faith communities are the basis for gathering individuals and the most important productive sources of social capital in neighborhood relations. Therefore, it is suggested that due to the importance of the role of religious teachings in the amount of neighborhood relations and its promotion, it must be considered in policies relating to urbanization, particularly neighborhood relations.


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