Good Society in Imam Khomeini's Thought (Features, Obstacles, and Methods)

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Isfahan


Realizing and ideation of a good society and achieving human ‎happiness is one of the permanent goals of leaders and scholars ‎in Islamic societies from the past to the present. In this study, we focus on ‎Imam Khomeini's thought to identify the components of a good society ‎and Islamic balance. The ‎results of this study confirm that the components of a good ‎society from the perspective of Imam Khomeini consists of ideals at ‎three levels of insight, value and action and individual, universal ‎and institutional aspects. These components include ‎monotheism, freedom, righteous deed, committed faith, justice and equality, trust, unity and ‎brotherhood, order and rule of law, establishment of the ‎guardianship of the Islamic jurist and participation and religious ‎democracy. The ideal subject is the perfect divine courteous ‎human being whose monotheistic thought dominates his life. ‎The good society in the field of ‎economics is based on the ideal of justice and in the field of ‎politics with emphasis on the connection between politics and ‎religion, and the stability of religion in all aspects of a good ‎society is the realization of a religious society and religious ‎education. Also in the political construction, the rule of people ‎over their destiny is centered on the framework of religious ‎democracy, the distribution of power is through the leadership of ‎just and righteous jurists, whose goal is the development of ‎the world, the promotion of moral virtues, the elevation of the ‎spiritual dimension of individuals and service to the people.


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