Jurisprudence and the formation of women's issues in the modern context; Conceptual formulation of emerging women's issues in referendums

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of the University of Religions and Denominations

2 عضو هیت علمی

3 عضو هیئت علمی


This article is going to discover and explain about emergence and formation of new women's issues in the modern context through the questions (Esteftaat) of religious authority. Modernity and the changes that resulted from it caused the issues of women, which were understood in the traditional context of religion, to face serious questions from religious activists and put jurists in a new position to answer. The present study seeks to answer the question The present study, focusing on the referendums of six authorities on emerging issues of women in the modern context, seeks to answer the question of what modernity and social developments have changed in relation to issues and questions about women and the formulation of Are these issues reflected in the Esteftaat? The question of religious activists seems to have changed from worship to receiving a solution from the institution of religion, and the questions indicate a kind of rethinking, the passage from pure worship, and the attempt to find a different answer to the social challenges they face on a daily basis. . The results of this research, which has been done by the method of conventional (conventional) qualitative content analysis, are six Esteftaat of referendums; Istifta 'as understanding and awareness (worship); Esteftaat as finding a way out and relieving despair; Esteftaat as resolving conflict (accompanying science and religion); Esteftaat as resolving conflict (duality of object and mind); Esteftaat as determining gender position; The Esteftaat shows these questions as an effective interaction in the modern world..


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