Investigating the Challenge between Ethics of Care and Ethical Impartiality in the Relationships of the Parents and the Children from the Islamic Viewpoint

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university of Islamic sciences

2 research institute of howzah & ampuniversity


If people are forced to make a choice between helping their loved ones and helping others, are they morally allowed to prefer their loved ones or should they have an impartial choice? This is the challenge that exists between the two views of ethical Impartiality and the ethics of care about social relationships. According to moral impartiality, all human beings are equal and it is an ethical act to be impartial. But the care ethics say that our most important moral responsibility is towards the relatives and those whom care is in our ability. His study focuses on the relationship between parents and children, with the aim of achieving a solution to the conflict, examines the arguments for and against the two views and in this direction has used the method of comparative analysis based on the model of George Bereday. The results show that the reasons for both views are insufficient. Proposed solutions of these two western perspectives are either unreasonable or limited to material issues. But the approach taken from the Islamic doctrine states that the specific obligations of parents and their support of their children are solely limited to the duties that religion has set for them, but outside the scope of these duties, they must maintain impartiality between their children and other children in all the material and spiritual things.


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