Philosophical critique of Shahid Motahhari's view of the real existence of society

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Teacher of Islamic Thought and History of Islam, Babol University of Medical Sciences

2 Associate Professor of Imam Khomeini Institute


One of the basic and important issues in the philosophy of social sciences is to explain how society combines individuals. Is this combination a real combination, in which case, only society will have originality. Or this combination is credible, and as a result, it is the only person who is real, and society is an abstract concept created by the human mind. Or, while knowing this combination as real, one can both consider the individual to be real and believe in the originality of society. Martyr Motahhari believes in the recent theory and has proposed his theory under the name of "individual originality at the same time as the originality of society and the originality of society at the same time as the originality of the individual".
This article aims to fully explain this theory and then critique it based on the principles of Islamic philosophy regarding the relationship between the part and the whole and the discussion of unity and plurality and philosophical psychology.
In this article, it is concluded that the philosophical originality of society within the originality of individuals is not compatible with the philosophical foundations accepted by Martyr Motahhari. Therefore, the real existence of authenticity cannot be given to society.


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