A Theoretical Rethinking on the Academic Study of Religion in the World and in Iran: A Case Study on the University of Religions and Denominations, Qom

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Study of Religion; Faculty of Religions; University of Religions and Denominations, Qom

2 Assistant Professor in Faculty of Religions; University of Religions and Denominations


The study of religion or Religious Studies as an academic discipline and its being influenced by the environment is one of the topics of interest for the scholars, leading to the intra-structural and relational changes effective in formation of knowledge related to this discipline from the viewpoint of sociology of knowledge. This article has attempted to address this issue in a historical context by examining the existing documents from both theoretical and empirical points of view, and examining its conceptual and theoretical background, to explain our relation to it.
The results of the study showed that study of religion is influenced by both the social and the cultural context; and in particular, it has been shown that the University of Religions is influencing both the form and content of religious studies. This is due to the influence on the University of Religions itself from a larger environment called Qom and Iran, and a series of important issues arising from environmental priorities are raised in academic research perspectives in the study of religion.


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