The Role and Place of Religion in the Individual Identity of Iranians

Document Type : Research Paper


1 A Ph.D. student in sociology, and a faculty member the Institute of Humanities and Social Studies at the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (Corresponding Author).

2 a faculty member at the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research

3 an assistant professor at Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


Identity is a complex, multidimensional and pluralistic issue, and different elements and factors are involved in constructing and forming it. In forming an individual identity, two processes occur: to knowing yourself and identify yourself to others; these two processes make a person be identified, differentiated from others and transformed. One of these elements is religion and this study aims to study the role and place of religion in the individual identity of Iranians. The method of the study is survey method, and the statistical population consists of people over 16 years of age at the centers of provinces in our country. The sample size is equal to 1300 samples that have been selected by multi-stage sampling method and systematically randomly from the centers of Tehran, East Azerbaijan, Khuzestan, Gilan, Fars, Kurdistan and Khorasan Razavi provinces. The findings of the study show that religion as well as various factors has an important and special place in the individual identity of Iranians, so that religion itself not only has a central role in shaping the individual identity but also affects the central core of the individual identity, that is, differentiation, through two cycles. In the first cycle, the dimension religious, through a direct influence from national dimension and through interaction with the ethnic dimension, affects differentiation. In the second cycle, which commences with the variable of cyberspace, this variable affects the religious dimension by changing the role of mass media. Then, the religious dimension directly and indirectly in interaction with the ethnic dimension influences the individual differentiation.


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