The Effectiveness of the Indigenous Islamic Culture on the Crime Prevention in the City of Qom

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Crime Prevention Management, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences and a member of the Iranian Law Enforcement Research Association,(Corresponding Author)

2 Assistant Professor of Crime Prevention. Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences


The indigenous Islamic culture, unlike the materialistic cultures, while meeting the needs of the individuals in the society, is rooted in monotheism, which is the basis of Islam, and its proper institutionalization can harmoniously develop the human life’s the material and spiritual dimensions so that the transcendent society, which is free from any harm and crime, becomes its output. This study seeks to explain the effectiveness of the indigenous Islamic culture on the crime prevention in the City of Qom. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and its method is descriptive-analytical and correlational. The statistical population was 250 employees at the Law Enforcement Force of in Qom, Iran, the sample size was 150 people, and sampling was done by simple random method. Data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. The structural equation modeling was used through LISREL software in order to analyze the data. According to the findings on the significance of the indicators of every three factors of  the indigenous culture Islamic  on crime prevention, it was found that social, economic and family development based on the indigenous Islamic culture in this metropolis city, through governmental, non-governmental, cultural, Howzavi, and educational institutions, indicated their positive functioning and the findings also showed that planning to improve the role and effectiveness of these institutions, and developing preventive measures result in reducing crimes and social harms.


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