Family Policy; Models of the Family-State Relationship

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member of Kharazmi University

2 Faculty member of AL Zahra university

3 Assistant Professor, Jameato-AL-Mustafa University l Short term Trainings and Study Opportunities Center


The multifaceted function of the family in producing and reproducing actions, structures, relationships and its undeniable dialectical relationship with the macro system (society) has made attention to the family as the first and most important social institution which is influenced by and affects social changes. To support and reinforce family's functions, however, family – state relationship should be purposeful. Family policy, while studying and examining the needs, and harms of the family, also deals with forms of family – state relationship. This paper attempts to have an explanation on models of the family – state relationship. Each of these patterns are necessitating some specific basics which make it impossible for the state to adopt two or more patterns simultaneously in family policymaking


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