The Role of Iranian-Islamic Symbolic Capital in the Management of Client (Student) Knowledge: Case of the Faculty Members of Sistan and Baluchestan State University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student in Human Resource Administration, Sistan and Balouchestan University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Government management, Sistan and Balouchestan University

3 Associate Professor, Department of Government Management, Sistan and Balouchestan University


Instructors who maintain religious or moral symbols better consider the needs and demands of their clients (students) in the process of client knowledge management. The present research studies the relationship between symbolic capital based on Iranian-Islamic model among the university instructors (faculty members) and the application of innovation in managing the clients’ (students’) knowledge. The method of this research is descriptive-association. The statistical society is the faculty members of Sistan and Baluchestan University counting to 133. Data has been gathered through multi-staged cluster questionnaire while the sample is set as 100 based on Morgan table. The Cronbach’s Alpha of the symbolic capital and the management of client’s knowledge are respectively 0.841 and 0.749. The softwares used for this research are spss 21 and lisrel 9.1. For evaluating this topic, 9 hypotheses were explained that dealt with the relationship between Islamic-Iranian model of symbolic capital of university instructors and the various aspects of applying innovation in managing client’s knowledge (strategies, human resources, culture, tools for transferring client’s knowledge, tools for gaining knowledge, tools for gaining knowledge from the client). The amount of this relationship for every hypothesis is 0.51, 0.81, 0.76, 0.37, 0.41, 0.46, 0.33, 0.28, and 0.49 while all relationships are meaningful and confirmed. The conclusion of the study is that the more Iranian-Islamic symbolic capital university instructors maintain, in other words, the more they maintain behavior, language, and thoughts founded on religious and moral values, the more they take advantage of the clients’ knowledge who newly enter their institution to produce knowledge that comply better with the needs and demands of clients and oblige themselves to update themselves and the related staff with strategies, information, culture, and organizational atmosphere for improving a knowledge-based organization


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