Moderation as A Way for Balance of the Islamic Lifestyle

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Alumni of the Qom Seminary l Faculty Member of the Research Institute for Hawzah and University

2 Ph.D. student in Women and Family Studies, Religions University


The contemporary lifestyles are classified in three excessive, moderate, and extremist forms in a spectrum. Moderation means the abstention from excesses and extremes and is prescribed by religious sources. In the Islamic lifestyle, it implies the same moderation in personal as well as social aspects and in all respects. The purpose of the present article is to explain the personality moderation based on the Quran and hadith and exploring and inferring the moderate model of the Islamic lifestyle. Thereupon, it could be asked based on what model could the Islamic lifestyle be explained? What is the relationship between moderation (in individual) with moderation (in the social sense)? The method used for the purpose of answering these questions is text analysis; first, questions are asked and then, the answers are looked for in the text. In this method, the relationship between the reference to the text and making conclusions about each category is frequent and mutual; that is, the process begins with asking the questions and goes through searching in the text, but it happens that some findings in the text change the meaning of other parts. The findings of the research suggest that the Islamic lifestyle in the individual level is temperate and in the social, moderate. Temperance in the personal lifestyle explains the moderation in the social lifestyle; the Islamic lifestyle maintains acceptable compatibility with either the rest of social and cultural orders and with its internal elements and subcategories; this means that, in no sphere of the individual life is the lack of temperance (excess) and in no social respect is the lack of moderation by the Muslim individual accepted. Finally, moderation in the Islamic lifestyle is not a matter of cases, but a general model visible and observed in all spheres of life.


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