The Relationship between Principles of Religiosity in the Perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: the Case of Yazd University Staff

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Industrial Management, Farabi Campus of Tehran University, Qom

2 PhD student in Government Management, Farabi Campus of Tehran university, Qom


The purpose of this study is the analysis of the relationship between various factors of Islamic religiosity and organizational citizenship behavior. Accordingly, the indices of the triple principles of religion, namely, faith, law, and morality, as according to Nahj al-Balaghah, are determined. Then, the degree of influence of these principles and the consequent indices on the Yazd University staff is measured. The findings show that the respondents receive relatively good scores in religiosity. Regarding the principles of religiosity, however, the lowest score belongs to law, and the highest to faith. Moreover, the cases demonstrate an acceptable average score in organizational citizenship behavior of which the weakest score is related to civil behavior, and the strongest to philanthropy. On the other hand, the findings of the study indicate that all three principles of faith, law, and morality have a direct influence on the organizational citizenship behavior of the staff. As a result, it is discerned that based on the direct and significant relationship between the degree of religiosity and organizational citizenship behavior, the increase in one’s level of religiosity improves his organizational citizenship behavior as well


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