The Objectives of Science in the “Islamic Paradigm of Human Sciences” Majid Kafi

Document Type : Research Paper


Graduate of Qom Seminary and faculty member of the Research Institute of Hawzah and University


The objectives of science in positivist, interpretive, and critical paradigms are evident and at the same time, different. The purpose in positivist science is explaining phenomena, in interpretive science is understanding and interpreting behavior, and in critical science is changing phenomena and emancipating man. The question, now, is, taking “the Islamic paradigm of human sciences’ for granted, what constitutes its objective? In this article, we used text analysis to answer questions that we pose in the first place based on Qur’an and the Hadiths. In text analysis, the relation between referring to the text and making conclusions on each issue is two-sided and repetitious. That is, we set with a question and begin to search within the text. After reading the text, it might happen that understanding one verse helps to complete, reform, or change our understanding of another verse. As a result, the objective of the Islamic paradigm of science as based on related Qur’anic verses and Hadiths is examining personal and social reform in a scientific language; the nature and society could be understood in order to be reformed so as to perform better. The method of reforming is the appropriate and exact comprehension of natural phenomenon, plus the appropriate, exact comprehension and constructive criticism of social events, and notifying people and members of the system of their duties in the social orde


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