Criticism and Restructuration of Sara Longwe’s Theory on the Indices of Women Breadwinners’ Empowerment

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of Political Science, Shahed University

2 MA, Sociology of the Islamic Revolution, Shahed University


This article deals with the empowerment of women breadwinners and restructuring and improving the indices that are normally used to evaluate the functionality of the empowerment organizations. For the purpose, the theory of Sara Longwe is selected because it is richer and more known compared to the rivaling theories; the containing indices of the theory are described and then put to critique. It is attempted, based on the author’s own experience and professional observations regarding Iranian women breadwinners’ demands, to elicit the shortcomings and failures of the discussed theory. In the next stage, we trespass Longwe to utilize the positive and negative implications of our criticism and articulate useful, native indices for the evaluation of the related organizations’ function. This part could be regarded as either “restructuring of Longwe’s theory” or an “independent and unique indexing system” –that is of course in line with Longwe’s. Compared to Lnogwe’s, these indices are multidimensional, regarding comprehensiveness quotient, and local, regarding compatibility with our own culture’s sensitivities. The data are gathered through documentary analysis and direct observation. Then, the indices are criticized, and at last, the comprehensible set of indices is introduced. In this way, the concept of women breadwinners’ empowerment is divided into five dimensions, each assigned with its own objective and operational indices.


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