The Role of Religious Rationality in the Political Theory of Mohammad Hossein Naeini

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD candidate of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Shahreza branch of Azad University

2 Associate professor of Political Science, Azad University

3 Associate professor and head of the department of Plitical Science, Azad University, Shahreza


In Islamic Iran, rationality has played a major role in the thoughts of Religious scholars (ulama). The political thought of Mohammad Hossein Naeini during the Constitutional era, as found in his book “Tanbih al-Ummah” (Awakening of the People), demonstrates his political vision about realities like parliament, and represents a convergence between the views of traditionalists and those of the modernists in their comprehension of religion in the realm of politics, hence his place in political theorization. In this article, we adopt the theory of Thomas Spragens to evaluate Naeini’s “Tanbih ul-Ummah wa Tanzih ul-Millah” with a descriptive-analytical approach and to explain and describe the principles and aspects of Naeini’s religious rationality with regard to the urgency of parliament and the rule of Islam as a new structure in the political sphere of the Constitutionalism era.


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