An Attempt to Build A Theory of Secularization Based on Islamic Texts

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty member of the Seminary and University Research Institute


This article is extracted from a research project and is an endeavor to present a religion-based theory on secularization. This article is built on the findings of an earlier stage of the same project, which adopted inductive method for eliciting from within religious texts the factors affecting the emergence of secularization. The method of this paper is theoretical reflection on the logical and concrete relationships between the elicited factors. The result is a saturated theory of secularization that is intended to contain all the explanatory factors and clarify the inherent logic behind their relationships. Alongside determining the essential and periphery factors of secularization, attempts are made to understand the defining factors in this regards and, on the whole, five probable patterns and for Iran specially a hybrid pattern based on indolence and sexual hedonism were recognized.


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