Political philosophy of Sheikh Eshraq

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor, research institutes for Hawzah and University


Political philosophy answers the following questions: what are the reasons of the needs of the societies for government and politics? Who should govern? Why should the governors be followed? Which aims should the governments follow? What are the duties of the governors in front of people? What is the role of social justice in decision making? What is the relationship between religion and politics?
This article is an attempt to express the perspectives of Sheikh Eshraq on the needs of humans to social life, necessity of politics, management, and the importance of rule legislation and their execution, on the one hand, and political system context, the relation between religion and politics, necessity of a just ruler, and the conditions for rulers in the political systems, on the other.
The methodology used in the study is analytic-inferential; the findings reveal that Eshraqid philosophy is very close to that of Shiism. Moreover, Eshraqid School is one of the three important Islamic philosophical schools which believe in the relation between religion and politics as two wings in planning human prosperity.


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