The investigation of mothers' potentials in social education of children: scientific-religion-driven findings

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor, research institute for Hawzeh and University


Husband and wife as the main pillar of the family have specific roles congruent with their physical and mental potentials in the family; mothers and wives due to having special skills have unique position in training of children. This study aims at elucidating mothers' potentials in social training and socialization of the children based on scientific and religious findings. The methodology used in the study is descriptive –analytic and inferential. To this aim, after identification and extraction of females' potential and their role in the family system from the perspective of religious texts, the contents were analyzed and the potentials for child training were investigated. The findings reveal  that mothers' unique social-biological capacities, specific emotional positions, verbal and nonverbal potential equipment, safeguarding due to good spousing, and great observational learning play a determining role in social and moral training of children.


  1. * قرآن کریم، ترجمه ناصر مکارم شیرازی.

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