The Role of Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Increasing Social Capital of Female Students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor , Director of Cultural Affairs Management and Planning Department , Islamic Azad University of Khurasgan

2 Faculty Member of the Islamic Azad University of Khurasgan

3 MA in Cultural Affairs Management, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch


The aim of this study is to determine the contribution of commanding right and forbidding wrong in improving social capital among female students of Khorasgan Islamic Azad University. In this research, the impact of methods, conditions and functions of commanding right and forbidding wrong were evaluated on social capital indicators. The method of the research is correlation descriptive and its statistical society included 944 female students busy studying in Khorasgan Islamic Azad University in the academic year 2011-2012. Simple sampling, on the base of which 310 students were selected, was randomly done. Data collection instruments were a researcher made questionnaire and a response package. The questionnaire included 33 questions related to dimensions of commanding right and forbidding wrong and 30 questions related to components of social capital. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess its reliability and the validity of the questionnaire was achieved 0/87. Statistical data analysis was done at both descriptive and inferential levels. Frequency tables, frequency percentage, standard deviation, average and graphs were used at the descriptive level and at the inferential statistics level, factor analysis, univariable t, one-way variance analysis, Friedman test and LSD test were used. The results showed that the average score of the role of commanding right and forbidding wrong in increasing social capital with hypothetical average 3, was 3/61 which was higher than medium. In addition, the relationship between methods of commanding right and forbidding wrong, conditions of those who order and prohibit and functionality of this duty are meaningful through increasing confidence, introception and strengthening social networks at p


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