New Technologies and Scholars of the Seminary, Sociological Analysis based on Grounded Theory (Case Study of Seminary School of Qom)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Candidate, sociology of Development and Economic, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

2 Professor of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch


The issue of development of technology requires knowing technology in one hand and knowing society in other hand. Knowing the society, undoubtedly, depends on knowing elite’s thoughts, ideas and approaches. These approaches lead to social regularities that can determine the causes of success or failure of achievement to technology and its transfer. In Iran, There have been different approaches to technology since the Islamic Revolution. This research intends to know views of scholars and thinkers of the Hawzah (seminary) of Qom regarding the development of new technologies in the framework of sociological studies of development through a qualitative method of grounded theory. Accordingly, techniques such as interview and reviewing documents have been used for data collection. Findings draw four approaches to the development of new technologies among the scholars of seminary of Qom which are as follow: 1) instrumental necessity and technological constraints; 2) instrumental necessity and awareness; 3) software and pessimistic view of technology; 4) technology as a tool for developing scientific skills and knowledge. After final analysis, we reduced the four approaches to two general approaches: optimistic and pessimistic view about technology. At the end, the appropriate technology approach was expressed as the researcher's approach.


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