Human nature and political theory from the perspective of Al- Farabi

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor at the department of political sciences, Research Institute of Hawzah and University


The relationship between human nature and political theory is recognized as one of the most important topics in analytical study of every political theory. Political scientists usually establish the legitimacy of their theory about politics and government based on a particular explanation of human nature. This study explores the political views of Al-Farabi- one of the most significant political thinkers of the Islamic world- from this perspective. Farabi's political theory has a universal character and this is due to the perception that he offers with regard to the human nature. In political theory of Al-Farabi, because of their nature, human beings require a presence in the society to achieve prosperity and happiness. As a result, Farabi's account of politics is collectivistic in nature and is at odds with the modern individualistic conception of politics and government. Farabi believes that the humankind, to recognize happiness, needs to others. This need is satisfied simply by connecting to the creative reason, which is itself created by God or Demiurge as the first cause. Hence, Farabi's political theory finds a certain special connection with the issue of monotheism. Modern political theories have mainly ignored the issue of ruler or leader of the political community. But for Farabi the question of who should rule is of utmost importance. In this case, he owes his political theory to the perception he offers of human nature.


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