Sociological Evaluation of the People's Attitudes towards the Afterlife (Case Study: The Population with the Age of over 20 Years Old in the City of Babol)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Babol Branch

2 Master of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Babol Branch


The present research named "a sociological evaluation of the people's attitudes towards the afterlife" has been conducted with the aim of evaluating factors effecting on the people's attitudes towards the afterlife. The research was applied the survey methodology. The population consists of 170000 people with the age of over 20 years old and the sample size calculated by Cochran formula is 300. The multistage cluster sampling was used to select people and a researcher-made questionnaire with Likert scale was applied for data-collecting. The data was analyzed by Spearman test, Mann-Whitney test, multivariate regression, and path analysis. Regarding the respondents' attitudes towards the afterlife, the findings showed that 49% are at an average level in comparison with the attitude of Islam towards the afterlife and 35% are fully consistent with the attitude of Islam. There are significant relationships between the religiosity, the age, the sense of deprivation, and the dependent variable of this research and there are not significant relationships between the gender, the risk-taking, economical-social position, and the dependent variable of this research. Based on the multivariate regression, the religiosity variables have the most effects on the dependent variable. The results showed that with increasing the religiosity, the sense of deprivation, and the age, the people's attitudes towards the afterlife is more consistent with the attitude of Islam. According to the multivariate regression and the path analysis, the belief aspect of religiosity has the most direct effect and the consequential aspect has the most indirect effect on the people's attitudes towards the afterlife.


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