A Gender Analysis of Women's Delinquency and Victimization from View of Islamic Sociology

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Sociology, Research Institute of Hawzah & University


The study investigates the gender aspects of women's delinquency and victimization from view of Islamic sociology. In this study, the Islamic sociology never claims to have a unique characteristic related to the experimental methods and statistical techniques and it is different from other sociological approaches in terms of ontological and epistemological principles and theoretical aspects such as explanatory, interpretive, and normative aspects. To make comparisons between the Islamic approach and other rival approaches, the sociological views especially feminist opinions and the Islamic views are mentioned throughout each of the four main subjects in this study: women's delinquency, violence against women, rape, and gender in the criminal justice system. This study shows that the Islamic approach by assuming some natural differences between men and women as well as their many similarities, leads to some rather different results connected with the casual explanation of gender differentiations in the four mentioned subjects.


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