Ibn Khaldun and Historical Sociology

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Student in Sociology l Graduated from Seminary


Ibn Khaldun’s Introduction is concerned with the changes of society. Which area of knowledge encompasses his evolutionism doctrine? Analytical history, philosophy of history, static or dynamic sociology, or historical sociology. Which one? This article tries to give a brief description of Ibn Khaldun as a historical sociologist. Since the Ibn Khaldun’s analysis in respect to the history and government’s rule by law is the result of his this social studies before that of his philosophy and historical studies ( Ibn Khaldun’s analysis on governance , social cohesion ( nervousness ) , the classes , the rise and fall of states and governments , society from primitive to modern , social change and social events is the result of his detailed study) , as a result of he is not a philosopher of history and themes such as Ibn Khaldun's attitude to society and social phenomena as the objectives, sociological analysis of social and historical phenomena that are beyond the analysis relates to the philosophy of history , emphasis on the term umran (construction) and associating it with the term civil society and its human aspects, use of the experimental method in proof of claims are evidences that Ibn Khaldun's modern science is detailed historical sociology nor philosophy of history.


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