An Islamic Framework for Sociology of Gender

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty member of The Research Institute of Hawzah and University


This article aims at introducing an Islamic framework for sociology of gender so it deals with the most important epistemological, methodological, ontological and axiological foundations of an Islamic approach in the field of sociology of gender. The foundations discussed in this article which distinguish Islamic approach from current approaches in this field are as follow: appealing to all common resources of knowledge i.e. religion, reason and experience, employing the three models of explanation i.e. the causal, the interpretative and the critical ones, presupposing innate abilities, rationality, free will and consciousness in the definition of human nature, denying decisive distinction between sex and gender, emphasizing on existence of natural sex differences without differently evaluation of male and female, denying relativity of values, agreeing with partiality in the sense of value commitment not value bias, and distinguishing male-female equality from male-female similarity.


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